CAESAREAN BIRTH - Your Baby, Your Body, Your Life, Your Choice

An organisation dedicated to redressing the balance in caesarean research, communication, and maternity care

With Thanks To

…all the incredible people I have had the fortune to work with since I first began researching and writing back in 2004 to redress the balance in caesarean birth communication. Also, all the doctors and other professionals who have supported my work, and my decision to choose caesarean births, who are not named here.
Thank you.

Maureen Treadwell, Birth Trauma Association
Penny Christensen, Birth Trauma Canada
Leigh East,
Robert Devine, Pyramid of Antenatal Change
Clare Murphy, British Pregnancy Advisory Service
Professor Jenny Kurinczuk, National Programme Lead, MBRRACE-UK
Deborah Morgan, Specialist Perinatal Psychotherapist, Perinatal Illness-UK
Karen Hillyer, Erbs Palsy Group
Judy Ledger, Baby Lifeline
Colette Murphy, Advocacy for All
Jenn Hooper, Action to Improve Maternity, New Zealand
Amy Dawes, Birth Trauma Australia
Smriti Singh, Choice in Childbirth
Steven L Mitchell, Editor in Chief, Prometheus Books, New York

Medical Professionals
W Benson Harer MD, former ACOG president
Ralph W. Hale MD, former ACOG executive vice president
Magnus Murphy MD, AMA SOG president, pelvic floor expert and co-author of Choosing Cesarean, A Natural Birth Plan
Professor Peter Dietz, obstetrician and gynaecologist, and pelvic floor expert
Elizabeth Skinner, midwife and registered nurse
Mr. Philip Steer, emeritus professor and former BJOG editor in chief
Mr. Malcolm Dickson, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist
Dr. Peter De Jong, obstetrician and gynecologist
Mr. James Drife, emeritus professor of obstetrics and gynaecology
Mr. Jim Dornan, emeritus professor in maternal and fetal medicine
Jennifer Berman MD, urologist and sexual health expert
Professor Dame Tina Lavender, midwife
Dr. Bryan Beattie, consultant in Fetal Medicine, Innermost Healthcare
Dr. Felicity Plaat, consultant anaesthetist at Queen Charlotte’s Hospital, London
Mr. Charles Cox, consultant obstetrician & Fellow Director, Baby Lifeline Training
Ms. Felicity Reynolds, emeritus professor of Obstetric Anaesthesia
Dr. Rupert Fawdry, former consultant and obsterician
Dr. Martina Lenzen-Schulte, obstetrician and author of Königsweg Kaiserschnitt- Die natürliche Geburt ist nicht mehr das Maß aller Dinge
Dr. Patricia Dreyfuss, obstetrician and gynecologist, New Jersey
Dr. Albert Strunk, ACOG deputy executive vice president and vice president (retired)

All the women who have contacted me over the years, and whose stories – both happy and sad – have driven me to continue with this work.